Nkechi Nnadi, a former student of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), has made history by earning a doctorate in Mathematics from Wayne State University...
In a stunning display of mathematical wizardry, British-Nigerian whiz kid Chika Ofili has left the academic world awestruck with his groundbreaking formula that solves division problems...
Fowler’s Inspiring Journey Overcomes Financial Struggles and Self-Doubt, Earns PhD in Divinity,in an extraordinary feat of determination and resilience, Marie Fowler has become the oldest-ever graduate...
Audrey Maame Esi Swatson, a young Ghanaian woman, made history by becoming the country’s youngest commercial pilot at the age of 21. Born on February 23,...
In a bold move that has ignited intense debate and captivated the attention of both believers and sceptics, Jeremiah Fufeyin, the founder and head prophet of...
In a bizarre and astonishing series of events, 40-year-old Ismail Azizi from Tanzania has defied the odds of mortality, reportedly dying and returning to life not...
The United Nations has warned that approximately 82 million Nigerians, which accounts for about 64 per cent of the country’s population, may face hunger by the...
DIASPORA WATCH, Vol 1, No. 6 FREE Digital View Print on Demand The world welcomes a new leader as Kier Starmer takes the helm as the...
A chilling discovery was made in central Indonesia on July 3, as a 36-year-old woman, Ms. Siriati, was found dead inside the belly of a python....
The island of Carriacou in Grenada has been left completely devastated by the devastating Hurricane Beryl, according to a senior UN official. Humanitarian teams are ramping...