A routine Sunday service at the United Methodist Church in Durumi, Abuja, spiraled into chaos when congregants engaged in a violent brawl, forcing the service to...
Mary Spiers of Manchester turns 106, celebrating more than a century of life with a spirit as vibrant as ever. As she reflects on her incredible...
A Georgia man, Fernando Cluster, is suing Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta after a shocking incident where a piece of his skull, removed during a...
In a dramatic turn of events, a 72-year-old Ohio man who evaded capture for nearly two decades after being charged with a 2004 murder has finally...
In a heartwarming testament to enduring love, a 95-year-old Kenyan man and his 90-year-old long-time partner tied the knot this past weekend, six decades after their...
A devastating maritime disaster has claimed the lives of five people, including British tech mogul Mike Lynch and his teenage daughter, Hannah, after his luxury sailboat,...
In a world where mystery and intrigue often capture our attention, the curious case of the disappearing spoons serves as a reminder to seek out the...
2023 marked the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers, with a grim possibility that 2024 could be even worse. As violence against aid workers escalates,...
In a shocking and heartbreaking turn of events, Josie Rowley, a 69-yearold grandmother of thirteen from Bantry Bay, Cork, Ireland, has had both her legs amputated...
Former Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) and other notable Nigerian political figures, including the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 election,...