In a heartwarming celebration of life, twin sisters Doris Ward and Loris Pryor, both 100 years old, gathered with family and friends to commemorate their centennial...
In a touching ceremony that highlighted the bonds of respect and admiration within Nollywood, actress Uche Treasure, popularly known as Adakirikiri, presented her first award to...
In a move set to revolutionize the search engine landscape, OpenAI has launched SearchGPT, an AI-powered search engine designed to challenge Google’s dominance. This innovative tool...
A punishing heatwave sweeping across the United States has led to a surge in electricity prices, with the average cost of electric bills rising by 4.4%...
Access Bank has announced a significant achievement in its efforts to promote financial inclusion in Nigeria, with its QuickBucks platform disbursing over N740 billion in digital...
Nigerian manufacturers have expressed strong opposition to the recent interest rate hike, warning of severe consequences for the manufacturing sector and the country’s economic growth. The...
Actors have gone on strike in the video games industry, citing concerns over the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on their jobs....
The Federal Government has approved a proposal by Eni, an Italian oil company, to sell its stake in Agip Oil Company to a firm linked to...
The Federal Government has approved a proposal by Eni, an Italian oil company, to sell its stake in Agip Oil Company to a firm linked to...
The United Kingdom’s newly appointed Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, has denounced the government’s delayed migrant relocation scheme to Rwanda, calling it “unworkable” and “unsustainable”. The scheme,...