In a groundbreaking development, a new malaria vaccine has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives over the coming decade. This remarkable advancement, spearheaded...
Jennifer Yhaye, a 20-year-old Ivorian woman, has made history by becoming one of the youngest female airline pilots in Africa. Her remarkable journey began at Morning...
A 400-level student at the University of Ilorin, Qudus Owoyemi, has made history by setting a new Guinness World Record for the fastest time to complete...
The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has received assurance from the United States government that the delivery dates for the AH-1Z attack helicopters purchased by the Federal...
In the most recent prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine, a total of 190 soldiers have been released, with each country freeing 95 prisoners of war....
The United Kingdom has appointed Mark Smithson as the new country director for the Department of Business and Trade in Nigeria. In this role, Smithson will...
A 4.7-magnitude earthquake rocked parts of Kenya on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, causing widespread panic among residents. The quake, which had a shallow depth of 10...
A 39-year-old Florida man, Jason Patrick Alday, has been arrested for making threats against President Joe Biden and other federal officials. Alday was taken into custody...
A late French priest celebrated for his work with the poor has been accused of sexually assaulting several women, one of them underage, as reported by...
The Supreme Court of Ghana has deferred its ruling on an application filed by Richard Dela Sky and Dr. Amanda Odoi, seeking to bar Parliament from...